The Many Deaths of Roger Wilco
"The place where every day is a good day to die."

Space Quest 4 - Xenon Dome (1st time)

Walk to the left of the screen you start on and take too long to enter the time pod.

Sequel Policeman: Halt! (12.6 KB)

Sequel Policeman: Some people just won't follow instructions. (51.4 KB)

We're glad you could play Space Quest IV. As usual, you've been a real pantload. (92.2 KB)


Walk off the edge of the dome. (Walk towards the bottom of the screen.)

Watch out for that first step... (34.2 KB)

That was a LOOoooong first step. (48.5 KB)


Walk to the right of the screen you start on.

Uh-oh. (16.7 KB)

We're glad you could play Space Quest IV. As usual, you've been a real pantload. (92.2 KB)

Note: In the disk version you can only be killed by the guard if you get close to it or if you try to talk to it.


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This site was created by Jeysie on June 18, 2001.