The Many Deaths of Roger Wilco
"The place where every day is a good day to die."

Space Quest 1 VGA - Kerona Underground

Get eaten by the grate monster.

Monster: Crunch, crunch, crunch!

You've been snatched out of existence by the tentacled beast lurking beneath the grate. You feel the painful sting of digestive fluids.

Don't stop now. We're having so much fun watching you.


Use the tongue icon on the pool of acid.

You lean over to drink from the tempting pool of liquid. As your lips touch the fluid, you feel a pain which could be likened to kissing a lit rocket nozzle. Now you now what they mean when they say "Don't drink the water."

That's right. You have no head. That darn pool must be filled with acid. You obviously can't go on living that way.


Use the nose icon on the pool of acid.

You lean over the pool to get a good solid whiff, and WHOOA! Talk about clean sinuses!

That's right. You have no head. That darn pool must be filled with acid. You obviously can't go on living that way.


Use the hand icon on the pool of acid.

Mark: Well, Scott, it looks like Roger has done it again.

Scott: It sure does, Mark. Let's run that one again with the aid of our new How-He-Blew-It Cam (TM) and Chalkboard (TM).

Scott: I have to say that carefully, Mark. Every time we mention something with a trademark or copyright, the lawyers come out to feed.

Scott: Now, this is where Roger makes the fatal move.

Scott: And we can all see the result of that mistake.

Mark: I don't know about you, Scott. Personally, I like to know exactly what I'm messing with before I actually mess with it. I guess he'll know better next time. Ouch.

Sure, you've died a few deaths before, bit this one really burns you. Planets are depending on you. Seeing you do stuff like this is definitely making them nervous.


Walk through the laser beams.

Mark: Well, Scott, it looks like Roger has done it yet another time.

Scott: It sure seems that way. For those who might have missed that last move by Roger, or if, like me, you just want another look at it, let's roll it again.

Scott: You've got to give some high marks for truly fine execution. We'll have to give it a strong 9.8.

You've found quite a number of forms to transform yourself into. This is the first time you've been wafer-style.


Get hit by the acid drips.

You are unpleasantly surprised by a drop of searing acid which bores its way to your feet.

Now, that's some seriously deep pain.


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This site was created by Jeysie on June 18, 2001.