(message: Alexander hears someone coming.) (Gnomes: Five fierce guards of the isle we be! ''Watch for a foreign man,'' said he! With ears and nose, tongue, hands, and eyes. Its nature cannot be disguised. If man it be, then man it dies!) (Gnomes: Old Tom Trow, smell your smell. Do that which you do so well.) (Tom Trow removes his noseclip...) (...and sniffs Alexander.) (He waves his hand in front of his face from the smell.)

(wait too long to give an item)

(Tom Trow: Alert, my brothers, as we feared! A man, a man, has landed here!)

(give the gnome the wrong item)

(message: Alexander holds the item out for the gnome with the stupendous nose.) (Tom Trow: My nose can not be tricked that way! The smell of man still rules the day!)

(Gnomes: A man, a man, so say our nose! Into the waiting sea he goes!) (The gnomes swing Alexander by the arms and legs...) (...up...) (...out...) (...around...) (...and tossed through the air. ) (He goes flying out to the ocean...) (...and lands in the water...) (...with a splash.) (message: The gnomes toss Alexander too far out into the sea for him to get his footing! The currents drag him under!) (Alexander is lost under the waves.) (message: Guess those gnomes couldn't reach a con-SENSES!)

[Next death]
[Death messages]