The Many Deaths of Prince Alexander
"Double, double, toil, and now we're in trouble!"

King's Quest 6

[Isle of the Crown]

[Isle of the]
[Sacred Mountain]

[Isle of Wonder]

[Isle of the Beast]

[Isle of the Mists]

[Land of the Dead]

[Castle of the Crown]
[(long path)]

[Castle of the Crown]
[(short path)]

Each death message on these pages contains a link that will open up a separate page with screenshots for that death.

If your browser doesn't support PNGs, or you would prefer smaller resolution images, each page contains a link to download gallery pages for that section with smaller versions of the screenshots in GIF format.

Also, each death message has a link right after it to an mp3 of its audio file from the game. If you need an mp3 player, I recommend giving CoolPlayer a try.

To the top

This site was created by Jeysie on August 31st, 2003.