Enter the boy ghost's cell without a means to help him.
Boy Ghost: Mother? Mother, where ARE you? (19.6 KB)
Alexander stands by helplessly as the ghost's wails grow louder. (23.0 KB)
Alexander: Psst! Little boy! Be quiet! (13.9 KB)
Boy Ghost: WAA! MOTHER, WAA! (33.3 KB)
Uh, oh! The ghost's wailing has attracted the guards! Alexander hears the sound of footsteps in the hall. (29.1 KB)
Guard 1: I tell you, I heard somethin'. I'm checking it out. (16.1 KB)
Guard 2: You and your ghosts! There's nothin' in there, I say! (14.6 KB)
Alexander: Um... hi. (9.69 KB)
Guard 1: I don't believe this! It's an intruder, and he's already put himself in the dungeon! (20.5 KB)
Guard 2: Bones! Some humans can be really dumb! Well, shut the door then. Let's lock him in and go tell the vizier. (31.4 KB)
Guard 1: Right. (titter) Thanks for savin' us some work, human! (16.9 KB)
Guard 1: Let's post extra guards, though. That wailin' made me nervous. (18.2 KB)
Guard 2: Right. We'll get Scratch to guard the hall and watch the door. HE's not afraid of no ghosts! (26.7 KB)
Just as Alexander realizes that he has no possible means of escape, he hears the sound of wedding music playing somewhere in the castle. (35.9 KB)
Alexander: Confound this dungeon! I'll never be able to stop the wedding now! (21.0 KB)
'Tis a noble thing to have a means of escape, and 'tis a far, far better thing to never get caught at all! (29.6 KB)
Get caught and thrown in a cell without a means of escape.
Alexander watches helplessly as the guards descend upon him! (17.3 KB)
Howel: The vizier will have our heads if he finds out that a prisoner escaped! How do you suppose he did it, Rolf? (24.6 KB)
Rolf: Well, Howel, I figure he must have had somethin' on him that he used to open the door. That's why I personally searched him. (30.2 KB)
Howel: You did? What'd you find? (10.7 KB)
Rolf: ONLY this funny-looking key! He ain't got it no more, though, now does he? (23.3 KB)
Howel: Hah! Good work, Rolf! (13.4 KB)
Just as Alexander realizes that he has no possible means of escape, he hears the sound of wedding music playing somewhere in the castle. (35.9 KB)
Alexander: Confound this dungeon! I'll never be able to stop the wedding now! (21.0 KB)
'Tis a noble thing to have a means of escape, and 'tis a far, far better thing to never get caught at all! (29.6 KB)
Fail to convince Saladin to let you stop the wedding.
Saladin: Prince Alexander? Here? The vizier will have my head for allowing you within a mile of the royal wedding! (28.5 KB)
Saladin: Since you are of noble birth, I will give you five seconds to explain your presence here before killing you. I warn you; it had better be good! (37.9 KB)
Saladin: You give me no excuse to save your life, Prince Alexander. You were told to stay away from the castle, but you chose not to listen! I have choice but to obey the vizier! (46.2 KB)
Alexander: But, Saladin... (8.26 KB)
Evidently, Saladin is a dog to be reckoned with. (15.8 KB)
Never visit the castle before you sneak in at the end, then fail to convince Saladin to let you stop the wedding.
Saladin: You must be the foreigner the vizier (growl) warned me about. (23.2 KB)
Saladin: I've standing orders to kill you on sight. I'll give you five seconds to explain what you're doing here. I warn you; it had better be good! (39.4 KB)
Saladin: You have not impressed me, foreign one. The vizier must be right about you. Now I must follow my orders! (34.0 KB)
Alexander: But, wait... (6.32 KB)
Evidently, Saladin is a dog to be reckoned with. (15.8 KB)
Try to escape the throne room instead of stopping the wedding.
Alexander attempts to escape through the grand hall doors... (16.7 KB)
Saladin: Where do you think YOU'RE going? If you refuse to defend yourself, you must have faked the letter. Now you die! (34.5 KB)
She loves me, she loves me NOT? (13.9 KB)
Fail to stop the wedding.
Saladin: If you refuse to defend yourself, you must have faked the letter. Since you cannot prove your point, I shall prove MINE! (37.0 KB)
She loves me, she loves me NOT? (13.9 KB)
Wait too long in the throne room.
The genie, finding a free moment in the battle, suddenly realizes that Alexander is still in the room and sends a dazzle spell his way. (35.2 KB)
Shamir: Got you, PRINCE Alexander! (14.6 KB)
Genie, meenie, minie, moe... Alexander can't be slow! (20.9 KB)
Try to leave the throne room before the genie reappears.
Alexander attempts to escape through the grand hall doors... (16.7 KB)
Shamir: Trying to leave the castle, eh? I always knew you were a coward! (22.6 KB)
Genie, meenie, minie, moe... Alexander can't be slow! (20.9 KB)
Try to re-enter the throne room after you've left it.
Shamir: I'm afraid there's not much more to see in the throne room! There will be more fireworks out here! Tee, hee! (25.9 KB)
Alexander: Wait! Shamir, I... (10.4 KB)
Genie, meenie, minie, moe... Alexander can't be slow! (20.9 KB)
Wait around too long after just leaving the throne room.
Shamir: So there you are! Decided to wait around for me, eh? (19.5 KB)
Alexander: Uh. Hello, Shamir. I was just leaving. If you'll let me pass... (24.6 KB)
Shamir: 'Fraid not. I have my orders, you know. (13.5 KB)
Genie, meenie, minie, moe... Alexander can't be slow! (20.9 KB)
Once you've gone up to the second level of the tower, go back down to the first again.
Shamir: Changed your mind about chasing after my master, eh? Good idea. You never would have won, anyway, and it's so much easier to just kill you here! (36.5 KB)
Alexander: Wait! Shamir, I... (10.4 KB)
Genie, meenie, minie, moe... Alexander can't be slow! (20.9 KB)
Take too long to stop the genie at the top of the tower.
Cassima: Alexander! Be careful, Alhazred has a sword! (16.3 KB)
Alhazred: Shut up, wench! SHAMIR SHAMAZEL!!! Get in here! (17.6 KB)
Shamir: Here I am, Master! (10.5 KB)
Alhazred: It's about time, you bumbling fool! How could you let him follow me? (21.5 KB)
Shamir: Well, there were the guard dogs, Master, and then... (16.0 KB)
Alhazred: NEVER MIND!! Just kill him -- kill him NOW! (18.6 KB)
Shamir: (sigh) As you wish, Master. (16.2 KB)
The dazzle ball hits Alexander! (13.1 KB)
Cassima: Alexander, no! (18.6 KB)
Genie, meenie, minie, moe... Alexander can't be slow! (20.9 KB)
Fail to pick up the sword in time to fight the vizier.
(after killing the genie)
Alhazred: You killed my genie! You idiot! Don't you know how valuable he was? You fool! (34.0 KB)
Alhazred: I'll kill you myself for that outrage! (14.1 KB)
Alexander: So shall it be, Alhazred! I'm ready! (18.5 KB)
(after capturing the genie)
Alhazred: So you are a thief as well, Alexander? Stealing the lamp was very clever, I'll grant you that, but I am the master thief! Face my sword, if you dare! The man left standing shall have the lamp! (60.5 KB)
Alexander: So shall it be, Alhazred! I don't need the genie to deal with a coward like you! (24.8 KB)
Cassima: ALEXANDER! NO! (18.6 KB)
Touche! Alexander should have been on guard. (17.3 KB)
Pick up the sword, but don't use it.
Cassima: ALEXANDER! NO! (18.6 KB)
Touche! Alexander should have been on guard. (17.3 KB)
Get all the way to the fight with the vizier without having given Cassima a way to help defend herself.
Alexander's arms start to tremble under the effort of wielding the huge sword. His muscles are nearing exhaustion. (29.3 KB)
Alhazred: Hah! And so it ends! (15.1 KB)
The vizier takes advantage of Alexander's exhaustion. He thrusts his sword deep into Alexander's chest. (28.9 KB)
Alexander: Cassima! Forgive me! (14.4 KB)
Cassima: ALEXANDER! NO! (18.6 KB)
Too bad Cassima's all tied up at the moment... (16.2 KB)
Take too long to finish off the vizier after Cassima wounds him.
Alhazred: But I forget -- I stalk a kitten and turn my back to a lion! It wouldn't do to let you gather your strength again, my prince. (32.4 KB)
Alhazred finishes off Alexander with one swipe of his sword. (20.8 KB)
Alexander: Forgive me... Cassima! (16.5 KB)
Cassima: Alexander, no! (18.6 KB)
Touche! Alexander should have been on guard. (17.3 KB)